Saturday, December 18, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Our Haitian Family Needs Us
Help us pack donations & Recession Fundraiser:
This Saturday November 19, 2010 and next Saturday November 27, 2010 Mothers for Africa invites you to help pack donations to be sent to Haiti. The donations are clothes, food and medical supplies. Food and drinks will be provided. It will start at 10:00 AM on both Saturdays. Please call us for more information at 626-710-6676. If you would like to bring medical supplies and bags of rice and beans please feel free to do so. Also, if you have any boxes lying around bring those too for packing. If it rains packing will be rescheduled.
Recession Fundraiser:
Letter to USAID:
Please join Mothers for Africa and Light Path for Haiti on our next trip:
Mothers for Africa, The Nana Sekyiaabea Foundation
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Statehood Greens have five citywide candidates
Statehood Greens have five citywide candidates
Updated 6:46 AM EDT, Tue, Oct 26, 2010
This year, the Statehood Greens have five candidates running for citywide office.
Schwartzman suggests that voters who rejected Mayor Adrian Fenty should reject Catania as well.
Follow P.J. Orvetti on Twitter at @PJOinDC
First Published: Oct 25, 2010 6:01 PM EDT
Links referenced within this article
former Marlon Brando paramour
a campaign website
Rick Tingling-Clemmons
Joyce Robinson-Paul
Ann C. Wilcox
David Schwartzman
Nancy Shia
At-Large Council
David Schwartzman
David Catania
Mayor Adrian Fenty
at @PJOinDC
Friday, October 22, 2010
Is Eric Holder Serious About Enforcing the Marijuana Laws?
Written by Kevin Zeese | |||||||||||||||||
Thursday, 21 October 2010 16:15 | |||||||||||||||||
It is hard to imagine that Eric Holder's letter threatening to "vigorously enforce" federal law if California votes for legalization of marijuana is serious. It seems timed to manipulate voters in California, but in this year when political elites are hated it is likely to backfire and lead Californians to vote to end the failed marijuana war. During one of the greatest failed experiments in American history, alcohol prohibition, a turning point was when New York told the federal government it would no longer enforce laws against alcohol. That left it to the federal government to enforce the law. Already “the feds” as they were derogatorily known were hated in rural areas where alcohol was often produced and the feds came in and disrupted their commerce. Then, the biggest urban area refused to enforce the law. The result, alcohol prohibition ended a few years later. Attorney General Eric Holder last week promised "We will vigorously enforce the [Controlled Substances Act] against those individuals and organizations that possess, manufacture or distribute marijuana for recreational use, even if such activities are permitted under state law." Does he mean that the federal government will start enforcing laws against possession of marijuana? Or, be looking in people's homes to see if they are growing or using marijuana? That they will be searching people's backyards for their marijuana victory garden? It is hard to believe that in a nation where half the murders go unsolved that the Department of Justice would make marijuana a priority after the people voted for legalization. It is hard to believe that an attorney general who decided not to enforce laws against torturers and lawyers who enabled torture would instead prosecute people for marijuana offenses. This is the same attorney general who is doing nothing while the greatest democracy crime since Watergate is going on – hundreds of millions in anonymous donations to non-profit front group who are trying to influence campaigns in violation of election and tax laws. The police and the courts depend on the cooperation of communities to keep order. If a majority of Californians vote for legalization of adult use and cultivation of marijuana what kind of legitimacy do the laws against marijuana have? Already, large numbers distrust law enforcement, the feds will have no legitimacy if they are enforcing a law the majority opposes. I realize that Holder has the responsibility of enforcing federal law. But, continuing on autopilot with aggressive marijuana law enforcement is a disservice, indeed an injustice. Passage of Prop. 19 is an opportunity to begin a national discussion of how to better control marijuana. Prohibition has been a failure, the marijuana war has been expensive and damaging; there are better ways. Proposition 19 is an opportunity for the lead law enforcement officer to help the country change direction to a more just and fair society. As long ago as 1972 a federal commission appointed by President Nixon, the National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse , recommended decriminalization of marijuana. And, this was restated in 1982 by a commission of the National Academy of Science in their report "An Analysis of Marijuana Policy" which urged consideration of legalization. The experts have said throughout the time of the marijuana war that it was the wrong approach, now the voters are showing they agree. This is an opportunity for leadership from the attorney general, leadership to a non-criminal approach to marijuana. The U.S. criminal justice system is already seen by many as a system of injustice. Why? Because the United States with 5% of the world's population has 25% of the world's prisoners . One in 31 Americans is either behind bars, on probation or on parole, for African Americans it is one in 11 adults. This mass “criminal” population in “the land of the free” shows something is terribly wrong. What drives a system that results in 7 million Americans behind bars, on probation or parole? No doubt, one of the driving forces is the war on drugs, and marijuana is the driving force of the drug war with a marijuana arrest every 38 seconds, 840,000 annually. Hopefully, Attorney General Holder will re-think his plan to escalate federal enforcement if a majority votes for ending criminal laws against marijuana. He should instead lead the nation to laws that are consistent with the essence of justice, i.e. being righteous and fair. Is it righteous or fair to enforce laws that the majority says should no longer exist? Attorney General Holder – America needs real justice leadership. We need a leader who will help the country face up to its mass incarceration problem and its misuse of law enforcement to incarcerate people who grow a plant or smoke an herb. Mr. Attorney General you can do better than just saying – we're going to ignore the people and keep arresting people for something they think should no longer be illegal. Kevin Zeese is president of Common Sense for Drug Policy ( ). |
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
URGENT!!! Haiti Demonstration at UN July 28
Tanpri, vini nan Rankont Planifikasyon nap fè Samdi 17 Jiyè, 2010 a 6:00 P.M. Tapan, 836 Rogers Ave, Brooklyn, ant Church Ave ak Erasmus St.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
OCA: Take Action
It is important that we work with and support the people's grassroots movements in Haiti as they work to rebuild Haiti and stop the a temp of international corporate takeovers.
Open Letter from Chavannes,
Translated from Spanish
There is a dangerous new earthquake more dangerous for the long-term than than which occurred on January 12. It is not a threat but a very strong attack on peasant agriculture, on the farmers, on biodiversity, on native seeds that we are defending, on what remains of our environment in Haiti.
The Haitian government is using the earthquake to sell or give away the country to the imperialist forces and their principal instruments which are the multinationals. La Via Campesina identified the transnationals as one of the most powerful enemies of the people, and the pesticide businesses as principal enemies of peasant agriculture, the environment in general and the climate in particular.
I remember at the last meeting of the CCI, I said that in Haiti, our campaign against the transnationals begins with the struggle against the agrofuels businesses because the people do not know much about Monsanto, which still doesn't have operations in Haiti. The news of Monsanto's presence through WINNER and USAID arrived about 15 days after COCHABAMBA.
Monsanto is using the earthquake with the anti-national criminal complicity of the government of Rene Preval to enter Haiti to enter through a "gift of death," which is 475 tons of GMO maize. This gift of death has as its objective: to open the door of the country to this powerful company that is destroying the planet, which is destroying peasant agriculture, with the farmers.
We cannot accept that. We must begin to mobilize against this project, against Monsanto in Haiti. We need a strong unit in Haiti and a strong international solidarity to confront Monsanto and all the forces of death that want to end the full sovereignty of this small country that took its independence in the blood of its sons and daughters since 1804.
The MPP gave the sign of the struggle with a statement on RADIO (VWA Peyizan) VOICE OF THE PEASANTS and other Radios asking farmers to bury and burn all the maize seeds given by the Ministry of Agriculture. We are planning a big march from the CEDE of the MPP of Papaye to the city of Hinche on the occasion of International Environment Day on June 5. We will make the march on Friday June 4th. We will invite the the organizations of the LVC and others to be present. It's one step among many that we must take.
We will contact all the peasant organizations and allied organizations to design the strategy of struggle. We ask now for the solidarity of sister organizations and international allies.
Chavannes Jean-Baptiste
Spokesman for the MPP and MPNKP
Member of the CCI of LVC
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
GPBC Journal: Green Party calls for an end to the “bipartisan economic war” on Blacks and Latinos/as, who suffer the brunt of the subprime crisis and economic meltdown � - Green Party News
[GPBC Journal] Rich Whitney outlines Green economic plan for Illinois - Green Party News
Green Party Watch - 12th Mar 2010
Rich Whitney , the Illinois Green Party’s 2010 candidate for governor who earned over 10% of the vote in 2006, has released a detailed working paper with the title “How we can solve the Budget Crisis in Illinois and build a Full Employment economy with good jobs for all who need them” . By way of introduction, Whitney writes, “ I do not contend that this platform is perfect. I do contend that it presents a far better alternative than anything offered by the candidates of..." Read more
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Green Party gubernatorial primary candidate S. Deacon Alexander, urges voters to Stand Together to Say No to Nazi’s!
“As part of its Reclaim the Southwest campaign, National Socialist Movement (NSM) has obtained permit for a Nazi rally at LA City Hall. Nazis are on the march, after decades of covert organizing. They soon arrive in LA for a national conference. NSM’s call for an all-White U.S. NSM has chapters across the U.S. , with strong presence in Riverside County , where a number of anti-immigrant demonstrations have been held.
Deacon Alexander urges you to Stand Together with him, to Say No to Nazi’s! A non-violent demonstration is being organized Saturday, Saturday April 17, 10:00am, at the Triforium statue, on Temple and Main Streets in downtown LA.
- Send the Nazis packing,
- Support human rights and self determination for Black, Brown, Native, Asian, gay and poor and working people,
- Say No to racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, imperialism and genocide,
- Do not accept penning by police.
Deacon says; “I hope a large collective action of Greens, and all people of conscience, will help promote Green Party core values of human rights, non-violence and social justice. Stand Together to Say No to Nazi’s!”
Monday, February 22, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
One Hundred Days to House One Thousand People Boston Activists and MIT Architect Respond to the Haiti Tragedy
“The emphases should be placed on building small communities to help with the overflow of people from Port-au-Prince, to act as a center for providing housing as well as a new sustainable model for the future,” said Prof. Wampler in a recent email. “This is a sad opportunity to try to help in a new way.”
"Jan wants to provide the underserved with the level of quality that only the rich can usually afford," said Lahens. "It touches my heart."
"The poor have only one house," said Wampler. "They should have the best architecture, not makeshift architecture." Boston Globe
US Court of Appeals "Sidesteps" the issue of Mal-apportionment
... The plaintiff is not injured by the operation of the five states’ winner-take-all systems because he does not vote in those states ... Accordingly, we affirm the decision of the district court dismissing the plaintiff’s complaint for lack of standing.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
GPBLACK CAUCUS JOURNAL: Questions For A Neo-Confederate Justice? An Exposé of Legal Darwinism and Neo-Redemptionist Federalism by Asa Gordon
“Is there some way to be a conservative without being a Confederate?”
{Q} How would you answer Justice Thomas? Why do you suppose Justice Thomas posed this question?
The Southern Partisan essay goes on to observe:
Monday, January 18, 2010
From Cynthia McKinney: An Unwelcome Katrina Redux
By the end of Day Four, the U.S. reportedly had evacuated over 800 U.S. nationals.
For those of us who have been following events in Haiti before the tragic earthquake, it is worth noting that several items have caused deep concern:
1. the continued exile of Haiti's democratically-elected and well-loved, yet twice-removed former priest, President Jean-Bertrand Aristide;
3. U.S. construction of its fifth-largest embassy in the world in Port-au-Prince, Haiti;
5. Extensive foreign NGO presence in Haiti that could be rendered unnecessary if, instead, appropriate U.S. and other government policy allowed the Haitian people some modicum of political and economic self-determination.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Green Party Black Caucus partners with Brothers and Sisters International and Bassin Zim EDF to help earthquake victims in Haiti
Please help the earthquake victims in Haiti...
Or send your contributions to
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
NEW Court Order to Rule on Gordon v. Biden without Oral Argument
Asa Gordon's Oral Argument on Democratizing the Electoral College, a major voting rights civil action endorsed by the Green Party Black Caucus in 2004, had been scheduled for oral argument in the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia (No. 09-5142) on Thursday, January 14, 2010. "...Accordingly, the court will dispose of the appeal without oral argument on the basis of the record and the presentations in the briefs. See Fed. R. App. 34(a)(2); D.C. Cir. Rule 34(j)."
12 min video featuring Asa Gordon on MAP Civil Action "Democratizing the Electoral College"
Anti-Racist Allies
Political Prisoners
August 2, 2007--Imam Jamil Al-Amin has been moved to federal custody!
Correspondence with the commissioner should be put on hold for now, updates will be announced as they occur
Please keep the Imam and his family in your thoughts and prayers
Read the details on his transfer
(the former H. Rap Brown)
547 West End Pl. SW
ATLANTA, GA. 30310
Real killer confesses--again--to the killing of Kinchen--Atlanta deputy sheriff for whose shooting death Imam Jamil was convicted and sentenced to life in prison! The State refuses to consider his confession, while continuing to keep Imam Jamil wrongfully imprisoned and isolated.
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