WASHINGTON, DC -- DC Statehood Green Party activist Asa Gordon has been engaged by the Social Action & Leadership School for Activists (SALSA) of the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) for the fall term, and will deliver a presentation on "The Constitutional MAP (Mal-Apportionment Penalty) for Voter Disfranchisement."
The presentation will take place Thursday, October 11, 2007, 6:45 to 8:45 pm at the Institute for Policy Studies, 1112 16th Street NW, Suite 600, in Washington, DC.
The Constitutional Mal-Apportionment Penalty for Voter Disfranchisement: On December 12 , 2000, the US Supreme Court cited racial redemptionist era decisions in its Bush v. Gore ruling that the US Constitutional does not guarantee a national right to vote. The proper constitutional response to the electoral abuses in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections is not a passage of a 'right to vote' constitutional amendment, but enforcement of the existing mal-apportionment penalty for the denial or abridgment of a citizen's right to vote as provided in Section 2 of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.
Mr. Gordon's lecture will provide the historical context for recent disfranchisement of voters and will argue that the most effective remedy is the one enacted constitutionally during the Reconstruction Era.
Asa Gordon is the Chair of DC Statehood Green Partys Electoral College Task Force, a member of Delegate Apportionment Committee of the Green Party of the United States <
http://www.gp.org>, and a member of the Green Party's Speakers Bureau<
http://www.gp.org/speakers>. Mr. Gordon is also the founder and executive director of the Douglass Institute of Government <
http://members,aol.com/digasa/dig.htm>. His work includes studies on democratizing the Electoral College, the constitutional penalty for voter
disfranchisement, the 14th Amendment 'right to vote' provision, and Neo-Confederate culture in American politics.
Asa Gordon's work has been recognized by officials such as Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), who, in response to a proposed solution brought forward by Mr. Gordon on the voting rights remedy, said, "This is the most amazing proposition that has ever been brought forward, and if it is accurate, it could change the whole outcome of the voting process in the United States."
Contact information for Asa Gordon: 202-635-7926,
Brief bio of Mr. Gordon
SALSA and the IPS http://www.hotsalsa.org
202-234-9382, ext. 229, netfa@hotsalsa.org
Information on SALSA lecture classes
The DC Statehood Green Party
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