Cynthia: Thank you Illinois, Delivering Fifty-One ballot Lines and Beyond
We're going to have to do things we've never done before if we're to have things we've never had before.
Democracy, authentic representation, human needs prioritized, universal access to health care, bringing our troops home, making peace with the world's nations, making peace with our home planet, making peace in our own communities, funding schools over jails, . . .
Each of these alone is something we've never known before. Anyone of them alone would be worth doing things we've never done before. And all of them can be achieved when we get engaged and make democracy our own.
I want to thank those Greens from throughout Illinois and beyond who made it possible for me to offer myself to the voters of illinois in the upcoming February 5th Presidential Preference Primary. I especially want to thank Walter Esler, Charlie Howe, Patricia Hill, J. Michael Carr, Rich Whitney, Phil Huckleberry, and in addition those dozens of activists, Green Party and otherwise, I have not yet met who saw the possibility and made it real.
I also want to thank those supporters of Jared Ball, Howie Hawkins and Kent Mesplay, whose help carrying our petitions, as our supporters helped carry theirs, made possible our collective success. Together we offered the people of Illinois meaningful choices in the upcoming Illinois Primary. Just as we will continue to offer them in the General Election as well.
As late as the final weekend we did not know if we would make it. But then voters, ready for things we've never enjoyed before, through the simple if sometimes arduous process of collecting their neighbors signatures put me and three other candidates on Illinois' Presidential Preference Primary ballot. While they were at it, they also put a peace slate of nine candidates for Congress, multiple candidates for state assembly, county office and internal party seats on the ballot as well.
With yesterday's victory, Greens and other supporters have now placed me on the Primary ballots in California and Illinois. We still have the Primary ballots of Arkansas, Dictrict of Columbia, Maine and Massachusettes to go. And we still have thirty states left where with your help on our ballot access work, I can appear on the general election ballot as well.
I've spent the past week doing events with Green Party candidates in multiple communities across fifteen hundred miles of highways. Our Party is Green and its Growing and with this evening's election we stand poised to celebrate several new election victories across this country.
Thank you to those in Illinois who made yesterday's victory possible. Thank you to all the donors and volunteers who supported our work for our local victories this election day evening.
As the polls close tonight, I'm asking for your help.
With that help, we can deliver fifty-one ballot lines, access to the debates, public financing for our Party in 2012 and Green seats in the halls of power.
With your help we can deliver things we've never had before, perhaps even an opportunity for me to serve you as your next President of the United States.
Cynthia McKinney